Charge Boosters

The initiative to introduce intelligent generators / regenerative brakes will lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions, and will become the EU regulation with the introduction of Euro 5 + 6 standards. This means that an alternator battery charger is no longer suitable for vehicles with the Euro 6 standard, as the alternator is influenced by the motor control. The alternator no longer supplies a constant voltage, and is thus only activated during each braking process, or when it is absolutely necessary, at a high voltage drop at the starter battery. For this reason, the set-up / service batteries are no longer fully charged.
The so-called charge boosters are used here. They are designed so that they can easily be installed between the starter and the consumption battery. They can easily be installed in the charging line from the starter to the consumption battery, and the booster is then responsible for charging the optimum charge from the starter battery according to the 5-step charging technique IUoUoU. This guarantees a maximum and gentle charge within the shortest possible charging times. The automatic calculation of the compensation charging time determines the entire charging cycle.
The charging boosters offered by Phaesun operate with a so-called boosting method, which boosts the input voltage of the starter battery to the required charging voltage (boost). This results in the required voltage values depending on the battery type selected, and you can choose between eight different battery types to be able to charge all standard battery types optimally.
The charge booster offered by Phaesun have following Features:

- Current limiter for the maximum possible
- Current for protection against overheating
- Discharge protection
- Automatic activation (other devices require a signal)
- Boost factor
- Variable fan speeds
- No warranty issue, since no intervention in the motor management or motor charging system
- The ideal solution for modern vehicles according to Euro 6 standard
- Battery over- and undervoltage protection
- More than 10 years of experience in marine loading technology.
Thus these devices make sense in particular for new vehicles with Euro 6 standard, since a charge of the consumption battery is no longer possible easily. The alternator is now programmed so that you can simply stop working at a certain voltage level of the starter battery, and no charge of the consumption battery takes place. This is prevented by the charging booster!