Telecel Project, Burkina Faso
Project description
Phaesun in cooperation with Ikratos Africa S.A. installed 10 Telecommunication installations run by PV-Off-Grid systems in Centre-Ouest Region, Burkina Faso. The equipment was provided by Phaesun and the installation was done in cooperation with the local partner company. The systems were offered to the local telecommunication provider Telecel, that is continuously extending the telecommunication network in the country.
Why was PV selected?
In Burkina Faso many rural areas are not covered by the national electricity grid. The extension of the telecom network is growing faster than the extension of the electricity grid. Some telecom systems were served by diesel generators before which cause high running costs due to diesel supply and maintenance. The most suitable and economic solution for off-grid power supply for telecom systems in rural Burkina Faso is PV-power.
Special challenges
Telecommunication systems are often located at inaccessible sites where it is extremely expensive or impossible to connect to the grid. Diesel generators as alternative cause high running costs and the need to regularly transport bulky and heavy fuel. PV systems vastly reduce running and O&M costs. Unmanned automatic operation is possible due to remote monitoring systems.